Basor People #1: Raquel García Gaspar

Today, at Basor Electric, we are proud to join the global celebration of International Women in Engineering Day. It is a special moment to honour and highlight the achievements of women in the field of engineering, as well as to raise awareness about the importance of diversity and inclusion in this ever-evolving industry.
On this occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview our colleague Raquel García, who is a chemical engineer by vocation after much effort and dedication.

In this interview we are going to get to know what drives a woman like Raquel to dedicate herself to this, and what the job is like from the inside.

1. Hello Raquel. So that our readers can know more about you, what can you tell us?

Soy Raquel García, tengo 24 años, nací en Almansa (Albacete) pero toda mi familia es de Águilas (Murcia) y he crecido en una familia humilde y trabajadora. I studied a Degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Alicante and later I did a Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering at the same university. I am currently working at BASOR Electric, my first job, as an operations manager.

2. What does being an engineer mean to you?

Para mí, ser ingeniera, significa haber logrado mi meta de obtener la cualificación que me gusta y me representa, además de haber adoptado las capacidades y actitudes necesarias para serlo. It is something that has taken me a lot of effort, hard work and dedication to achieve, so I feel very proud to be one. In addition, my family believed in me and gave me the opportunity to study, something for which I am very grateful and which is a great sacrifice.

3. Did you always know you wanted to be an engineer?

Not really. When I was little I wanted to be a notary, but as the years went by I realised that what I really liked and what I was good at was engineering. When I was at school, the subjects that interested me most and that I was best at were mathematics, physics, chemistry, technology, technical drawing… After that, I channelled my ideas until I decided specifically which engineering was the one I liked. After that, it has always been clear to me that this was my vocation and I have never had any doubts.

4. What is your day-to-day work like?

In my daily work I do a series of tasks. The first and foremost is to launch a list of production orders so that the factory can work. These orders have to include the corresponding production version in which the necessary materials, the machinery to be used, the production times and the packaging rules for storage are assigned to the production. All these tasks are also included in my daily work.

5. What message would you like to pass on to future generations of women interested in pursuing a career in engineering?

I would like to tell them not to be afraid, that if they really feel that this is the path for them, they should fight for what they want. That they should dare, because it is a career that, if you have the ability and the desire, you can achieve it, although the road will be hard, you have to study a lot. They should not think that only men study engineering and that they are going to be alone; every day more and more women opt for these careers. They have to be brave and have clear ideas and objectives.

6. What goals do you want to achieve in your field?

I would like to learn new things every day, as well as grow as a person and an engineer. To be able to help others with my knowledge and improve as much as I can. To tackle all the challenges that are put in my way and achieve them, proving to myself that I have the capacity to develop whatever I set my mind to.

Thank you so much Raquel for telling us your story! See you in the next post 🙂

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